Clicking on many of the pictures enlarges them and provides extra information. The models are usually attributed to the builder.
The Guild is always interested in preventing good Meccano going to waste. If you
have any Meccano to re-
Click “Exhibitions” for a calendar of our events. Or “Event Details” for information about individual ones.
Click “North West” for information about Meccano on display and Meccano related locations in the North West of England.
News July to December 2014
Mini Maker Faire at the Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester 26th. & 27th. July.
We had to organise this event at rather short notice, so that we only had 5 displays on 11 tables. We were on the top floor of the warehouse built in 1830 for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. There was plenty of room, and quite good natural light. Enough windows could be opened to prevent us wilting in the heat on two very hot days. There were lots of interested visitors and Meccanographs and hand operated models were kept busy. Over 2000 people visited the Maker Faire during the weekend.
It is hoped that there will be a page of other photographs of our displays attached to the Gallery Page soon.
There were numerous other displays, many featuring 3D printing. A soldering workshop looked particularly busy. They can be viewed on:
Lincolnshire Steam Fair, 16th. & 17th. August.
Chris. Harris and the Nightingales attended this event. Their models were displayed in a large permanent exhibition hall with many other exhibits including many from the NMMG. Two of the Nightingales’ models are shown below.
Toys For Boys, Waterloo, 30th. & 31st. August.
Unfortunately, only 5 members were able to attend but, nevertheless were able to
fill 10 tables with models and used 2 more for a Hands-
Chris Harris has produced a video of some of our models shown at recent meeting:
Annual General Meeting, 4th. October 2014.
Approximately 20 members were able to attend and displayed an interesting selection
of models, some of which are shown on the separate page of the Model Gallery. New
ones included two small scale models of locomotives by Jon Hall and two large Plastic
Meccano models by Ian Corlett and Roger Marsh. The Guild’s officers are unchanged.
The usual hot-
Chris Harris has produced a video of some of our models shown at recent meetings:
Engineering Fun Day at Heron Mill at Beetham near Milnthorpe. 11th. October
This is an event organised monthly in the Barn at Heron Mill by some of the Volunteers. About a dozen children of various ages attend regularly. On this occasion the North West Meccano Guild was invited to provide materials and assistance. An additional attraction was Colin Reid and his Loom. Three other members also came and some parents also helped. We brought both Plastic and Metal Meccano. Nearly all the plastic models were designed by the builders themselves. Some of the metal Meccano was vintage but we brought some very modern sets obtained cheaply from Tesco Direct. We expected that mostly small models would be built, but old No. 0 Set models were the most popular. We had to hurriedly make up extra sets. The results can be seen in the photographs.